Welcome to Cindy and David's 2015 Adventures
Cape York 2015
Dulcie Creek 3km 12:02:25 S 142:33:08E wide crossing chaek depth
The next creek north is Ducie, which is an easy one, and like Palm and the others down here, dry in the Dry Season.
South Alice Creek 10km 12:00:25 S 142 32 26 E shallow
After Ducie you come to an easy part with quite a level road and the South Alice Creek, which is so easy you most likely don't even notice it.
North Alice Creek 2km 11:56:21S 142:31:33E shallow rocky crossing
North Alice is easy too, and like others down here, it is dry well enough into the Dry Season.
After North Alice you cross the border to Heathlands Nature Reserve.
Dulhunty River 11km 11:50 17 S 142:30:06 E
The next major crossing was through the beautiful clear waters of the Dulhunty River. A sturdy, rock bed made it easy to drive across, but not before we waded around in the water a bit. This river is free of crocs, which makes it a great place to camp for a few days (permit required).
The beautiful Dulhunty River <http://www.cape-york-australia.com/northern-cape-york.html>. It's not a hard one to cross, at least during the Dry Season. It's a beautiful river with lush vegetation, and it is a great spot to camp.
Bertie Creek 4km 11:49:41 S 142:29:59 E Firm rocky dog-leg
The next creek north is Bertie, which is also wet even during the Dry Season
Another crossing similar to Dulhunty River but there was more manoeuvring to be done to get to the crossing. The deep pot holes are easy to navigate around and the water is fairly shallow and croc-free - another great camping spot (permit is included in Jardine River Ferry cost).
The shallowest and easiest place to cross it is after a little drive east along the southern river bank - the exit is where I stand taking the photo.
After the Bertie you come to a crossroad where you can turn onto the Gunshot Bypass (to avoid the infamous Gunshot Crossing), or keep following the rest of the Old Telegraph Track, which after Gunshot will gradually get more adventurous - the crossings get deeper and it's easier to damage your vehicle.
Chlomodeley Creek ?km 11:49:39S 142:29:57 clear shallow
If you choose to continue, you first come to Cholmondeley Creek crossing, which is shallow during the Dry Season, and shouldn't be a problem.
Gunshot 10km 11:43:12 S 142:228:37 E
The next crossing north, after a few kilometres drive through an open heath country, is the famous Gunshot Creek - which, if done properly (using one of the steep drops instead of the "Slingshot"), is the scariest of all crossings on this track.
WJ Brown Grave 5 km
North of the Gunshot you come to a grave, which belongs to an Old Telegraph Line linesman, and has quite an interesting story written on the plaque.
Cockatoo Creek 4km 11:38:56 S 142:27:29 E large potholes in creek bed
This is a creek crossing with the threat of crocodiles so keep your eyes peeled. The entry is a little steep, the river has a deep section and there are a few pot holes to get around.
This was the last major creek crossing before the Cape York Developmental Road.
The next crossing north is Cockatoo Creek, a beautiful creek with clear water and green vegetation around it (away from the creeks it's not always so green!). The bottom is rocky but there are some bog holes you need to avoid so make sure you walk the crossing first (and others north from here), and find the safest route to get through it.
Sheldon Lagoon ?km
Next you pass by the Sheldon Lagoon ..
Sailor Creek 15km 11:32:20 S 142:26:23 E small eroded gully
... and then you cross Sailor Creek on a small bridge. After the bridge, on your left hand side is an old linesmen's shelter with names of previous travellers under the ceiling. Soon after the Sailor Creek you come to the crossroad where the Old Telegraph Track and the Bypass Roads will join in and go in one for a while - until, you come to the sign that shows you to some of the absolute highlights of not only this road but the whole peninsula.
WJ Brown Grave 5 km
North of the Gunshot you come to a grave, which belongs to an Old Telegraph Line linesman, and has quite an interesting story written on the plaque.
Cockatoo Creek 4km 11:39:03S 142:27:26E
This is a creek crossing with the threat of crocodiles so keep your eyes peeled. The entry is a little steep, the river has a deep section and there are a few pot holes to get around.
This was the last major creek crossing before the Cape York Developmental Road.
The next crossing north is Cockatoo Creek, a beautiful creek with clear water and green vegetation around it (away from the creeks it's not always so green!). The bottom is rocky but there are some bog holes you need to avoid so make sure you walk the crossing first (and others north from here), and find the safest route to get through it.
Sheldon Lagoon ?km
Next you pass by the Sheldon Lagoon ..
Sailor Creek 15km 11:27:15S 142:25:05E
... and then you cross Sailor Creek on a small bridge. After the bridge, on your left hand side is an old linesmen's shelter with names of previous travellers under the ceiling. Soon after the Sailor Creek you come to the crossroad where the Old Telegraph Track and the Bypass Roads will join in and go in one for a while - until, you come to the sign that shows you to some of the absolute highlights of not only this road but the whole peninsula.
Fruit Bat, Eliot and Twin Falls 9 + 3km 11:26:22 S 142:26:02E
First there are the Fruit Bat Falls - I have heard people saying that they haven't seen a better swimming spot in the whole Australia.
When I have visited, the water has been so clear you can see the bottom, and it has been reasonably shallow (this depends on the season, of course), and perfectly cool. It's a fantastic spot for a lunch and very popular too, since it is close to everyone whether they travel along the Old Telegraph Track or Bypass Roads, and whether they are on their way up or down the peninsula.
Scrubby Creek ?Km 11:25:37S 142:39:22E ???
North of the Fruit Bat Falls is the crossing of Scrubby Creek, which doesn't look like much on the map, but can in fact be deep enough so take care.
Eliot Creek 11:34:93S 142:40:25E cam ???
On our way down to Fruit Bat Falls, we were confronted with a large body of muddy water over the road spanning about 30 meters. We weren’t quite sure what we were up against until coa nvoy appeared on the other side. After a brief pause, they started to come through and we got a good idea just how deep the water was.
After the ford there are Eliot Falls, and a short stroll from them are Twin Falls - another beautiful swimming hole.
Eliot Falls 3+7+2km 11:23:03 S 142:24:55 E
While the Fruit Bat Falls are day-use only, at the Eliot and Twin Falls there is a national parks camping ground where you can stay over the night. It can get crowded, particularly during the height of the Dry season.
Twin Falls
These are popular spots because of the swimming. There is a small pool at the bottom of Twin Falls, and you can wade in the water at the top of Eliot Falls. A refreshing stop for anyone who needs to wash off some stink.
Canal Creek ?Km 11:23:40S 142:24:18E Rocky and eroded
The first creek north of the waterfalls is Canal Creek, which can be quite deep and also has an uneven bottom worth walking through and checking out the best route before you drive it.
After Canal Creek, you leave the Heathlands Resource Reserve and enter Jardine River National Park.
Sam Creek 2+6km 11:21:47S 142:24:04E Deep and Rocky with steep North bank
Next, there are four crossings right next to each other. The first one is Sam Creek, which is not too bad but the bottom is uneven so walk it to find the shallowest route.
Mistake Creek 1km 11:20:53S 142:24:08E Beautiful clear and firm base eroded banks
The next one is Mistake Creek, which is not too bad. It has a sandy bottom but is not too deep, not well enough into the Dry Season anyway.
Cannibal Creek 2km 11:19:57 S 142:24:0E Very steep banks
The next one is Cannibal Creek, which is a beautiful creek and a great spot to camp. The entrance and exit are quite steep, but the water is not too deep well enough into the Dry Season.
Cypress Creek 2km 11:19:01S 142:23:59E Narrow Log Bridge
The next one is Cypress Creek, famous for its log bridge, which is quite wonky so take care.
After the Cypress you follow the red-soiled track through tropical savannah vegetation with grass trees and some forest palms, past the poles of the Old Telegraph Line that seem to be in better condition here than elsewhere - until you get to Logans Creek - one of the deepest crossings on the whole track.
Logans ?km (and Nolans the Deepest)
And it doesn't help that the water is murky and the whole area looks like a croc habitat - however there are no croc signs unless I have missed one, and people do walk it to check the bottom, which is a smart thing to do for the sake of saving your vehicle. If you feel it's too hard, you have the opportunity to turn back to Mistake Creek and take the bypass.
Nolans 18km (and Logans the Deepest) 11:12:23S 142:22:34E Deep creek with sandy bottom and banks
Your next one north is Nolan's Brook, also called Bridge Creek, although the days when the bridge was driveable are history. This is often the deepest of all the crossings and is the crossing that claims most vehicles. So many people get their vehicles stuck here that nowadays there are towing ads in trees.
The bright side of Nolans - where the old bridge used to be is a wonderful swimming hole. Beautiful emerald green water, clear and clean, and just right temperature to cool down :-)
Turn-off 1km
Bamaga Road 11km
Jardine River Ferry 24km
After Nolans Brook, the Old Telegraph Track is effectively over. You continue to Jardine National Park and have the opportunity to continue all the way to the mighty Jardine River, or turn left to the ferry crossing (which takes you across the river on the Jardine River Ferry).
Some cheeky people still try their luck to save $130 and cross the river at the old river ford <http://www.cape-york-australia.com/jardine-river-ford.html> instead, however it is nowadays considered too risky even though I have seen people doing it and getting across too!
In any case, don't do like Rob on the photo above and walk in the middle of Jardine - people have been taken by crocs here and I have seen crocs in this river myself.
Palm Creek 4km 12:03:51 S 142:33:14 E
The track starts at Bramwell Junction, where you can turn left to the Old Telegraph Track (Bypass Roads go straight ahead, past the roadhouse).
There is a very steep, narrow entry.
Bertie Creek 4km 11:49:41 S 142:29:59 E
Sam Creek 2+6km 11:21:47S 142:24:04E
This page is work in progress
North Alice Creek 2km 11:56:21S 142:31:33E
Gunshot 10km 11:43:12 S 142:228:37 E
Mistake Creek 1km 11:20:53S 142:24:08E